

{reading time: < 1 minute}It’s two minutes to midnight on 2020’s last day. I’m sipping a Surly, slouching on a couch somewhere south of comfortable and clean. Dawn’s five …

Kick it

{reading time: < 1 minute}I can be particular about things. Such particularities can present as significant personality flaws, so I look for more benign things to be particular about.  …


{reading time: < 1 minute}Reflections on a week at sea. A week ago, I shipped my first of 30 daily essays as part of Ship30for30. I’ve had some fun, …


{reading time: < 1 minute}Some of the most valuable skills I learned in college were outside the classroom.  Through the summer and holidays, I worked as a porter at …

The Air

{reading time: < 1 minute}Dawn and I woke up in Wall, South Dakota this morning. Wall makes for a nice halfway point on our regular road trips from Colorado …


{reading time: < 1 minute}The weight. 2020 was heavy. So heavy, it didn’t start until March and still lasted 16 months (and counting?) Is it over yet? I suppose …

On Principle

{reading time: < 1 minute}Cold turkey. My grandmother quit smoking in her seventies. Cold turkey. Not because smoking is gross. Not because her friends were dying. Not to eke …


{reading time: < 1 minute}There’s no skill to art appreciation.  You like what you like.  If you want to sound fancy, you can toss out words like trompe-l’œil, juxtaposition, …


{reading time: < 1 minute}During the pandemic, I spent my personal creative time writing about cemeteries, and it’s high time I re-enter the world of the living. Pure dumb …