Massachusetts Liberty Bell replica
Update: Mr. George Warren, who singlehandedly made this happen, let me know he was one of the first people to see the newly restored Massachusetts Liberty Bell replica in its new, much more accessible location.

Location: Doric Hall, Inside the Massachusetts State House
24 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02114
Serial Number: 30
Can I ring it? It’s not likely to be ringable after restoration.
Hours: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Closes Saturday and Sunday
We left Augusta in the morning, spent a couple of hours wandering Portland and arrived in Boston around 3:00. Dawn was here a year ago to see a client and I was here about 25 years ago, but we’ve never been together. This is the first city on our bell tour where we’ll stay more than one night.
With that in mind, we set out to explore the city knowing we can visit the bell any time this weekend since it’s outside on the steps of a public building. We already had to adjust the trip slightly, as some bells were inside government buildings that were closed on weekends and Veterans Day this past Wednesday.
We made our way walking from our hotel in the Back Bay area to a little Italian place in the North End that Dawn visited last year.
We followed the walking directions on Dawn’s phone through the hotel district, through the ritzy-titzy shopping district and diagonally across Boston Common.
At the top of the hill, I could see the gold Capitol dome and recognized it from my research as the home of the bell. We could see the bell (circled above) atop the front steps of the original part of the building. The gates were locked, so we would not be able to run right up the steps and take our photos, but I was not worried. We found a side entrance, passed through metal detectors and looked for the door that led to the front steps. Unable to find a door that would not set off an alarm, we returned to the park rangers at the security entrance. We asked to see the bell, and they told us that the area was permanently closed to the public and clarified the bell was a replica and not the original.
We explained that we had already seen five of seven bells on our journey and that this was to be number six — and we’ve come all the way from Colorado.
At that point, I could see their interest pique and thought we might have a chance. They talked amongst themselves and decided that a very nice ranger named Russ would give us a private tour.
Russ told us this bell was still able to be rung, but they had nothing to ring it with. As we walked outside, through a locked gate and up the front steps, Russ pointed out the much more popular JFK statue and explained that it too was off-limits to the public until popular demand prompted them to make it accessible at certain times.
The bell is in great shape and looks like it’s been outside for most of its life. This is one of the few bells that does not have a crack painted on it, and I have to say I prefer the replicas sans-crack.
The bell itself is behind a locked gate, presumable to prevent unauthorized ringing. Jerry in Allentown told us of folks he met who bragged of ringing the bell in Dover. It really has never crossed my mind to try to ring a Liberty Bell replica. Without me even asking, Russ unlocked the gate, and I was in.
Our visit was quick, and Dawn forgot to repeat her new pose, but we were excited nonetheless.
As we continued on to dinner, we realized just how fortunate we were. Had we arrived at the State House less than an hour later, it would have been closed. Had we tried to see the bell Saturday or Sunday, as was our plan – we would have been out of luck. Fortune was smiling upon us indeed.
We made it to The Daily Catch in the North End before 5:00, which was also really fortunate – as just an hour later there would be a line halfway down the block to get in. The Google profile of this restaurant generously describes it as snug and informal. We were seated right away at two of the approximately 25 chairs available.
Dawn sat about three feet from the open flames of the open kitchen while I sat across from her about two feet from the front door. Dinner was amazing, and we had a great first day in Beantown.
We’ll see the sights in Boston, visit our client on Monday then head to Providence for our last bell of this tour on Tuesday…
I am from Massachusetts and have been trying to get the Liberty Bell Replica moved to a better location inside the Boston State House because at present as you already know it is “off limits to the public” but thus far have been unsuccessful. Is there any way you could help me or advise me? If I could talk with you that would be great.
I totally support your efforts and I’d love to help in any way. Have you contacted your local representative? As a Mass citizen, you may be able to get their ear. You may also consider contacting local / Boston press.
This an important would you please contact me, I have a deadline of July 4, 2016 to get the people at the Mass State House to move the bell to a better location where the public can view the Liberty Bell Replica #8. Please contact me before July 4th, 2016.
Yes I have been working on the State Reps, Senator, Governor and also support of 17 towns and 2 cities. I also put it in the paper. But to no avail I am not getting any support from the top people. They just seem to want to leave it where it is – as far as they are concerned it is protected from the weather and it is safe. Doesn’t seem to matter to them that the public can not view it. I am looking for advice – I would be happy to mail you the work I have done.
Note: In reference to last message (June 19, 2016) Yes 98.9% of Massachusetts State House people who go to work to serve the public, don’t know we have a MA Liberty Bell Replica #8, which is at the the Boston SH !!!
Tom C., thank you for your email (June 20, 2016) I glad you care too! I did receive an update from Boston State House Curator ( works for: SH Art Commission and State House Superintend) said Counsel, thinking of ways to finance Ma Liberty Bell Replica Move and Engineering Study where to best place for the public to view Bell #8. I am going to Worcester, Massachusetts City Hall Council meeting to hope Council will get-on-board to support what we’re trying to do at the Boston State House.
Dear Tom C., as of this writing (October 17,2016) I’m not happy to write that I have not yet made out well with my / our request to Boston Statehouse, Massachusetts. Year-an-half working to make Massachusetts Liberty Bell replica #8, ACCESSIBLE to the general public and Bell is in same OBSCURE PLACE.
Right now MA liberty Bell replica is still in SAME OBSCURE PLACE and OFF-LIMITS to visitors. But I hope others would put in a complaint to: MA State House, Deputy Chief Adam Parr and he, I hope will relay your message to State House curator Ms. Greendyke.
Presently (Jan.14, 2017) the Massachusetts Liberty Bell replica #8 at the Boston State House is still in the same INACCESSIBLE, OBSCURE place and OFF-LIMITS to the general Massachusetts public and out of state visitors.
Presently (1/14/17) a lot of important people are woking hard, on my behalf, and I am very grateful everyone is on-board to help make Massachusetts Liberty Bell replica #8 accessible, soon.
Two Massachusetts State Senators and one State Representative are going to (Jan.23 – 27, 2017) introduce a Bill on the floor of the State House and hopefully Read, Debated, Passed in both State House and State Senate. Nice if Massachusetts Governor signs Bill into law to make Massachusetts Liberty Bell replica #8 ACCESSIBLE for general public and out-of-State visitors.
George, thanks for the update. Keep fighting the good fight and let me know how I can help spread the word.
Dear Mr. Campbell and Liberty Bell Replica’s visitors,
Given that the Bureau of the State House has decided to MOVE forward with the relocation project and all (Bureau of State) are in agreement the most appropriate place for public access to view the Iconic Bell#8 Display is centered at the ASHBURTON PARK (located on the grounds of the Massachusetts State House) side entrance.
I’m happy on this Independents Day July 4, 2017 to relay this message and HOPE that I can say, in the coming months, the Massachusetts Liberty Bell #8 will be accessible to all visitors, soon.
Sincerely, George
My name is George W. from Massachusetts and I’d been working (three-years) to make Massachusetts Liberty Bell Replica #8 (1950) ACCESSIBLE TO ALL COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS PEOPLE AND VISITORS FROM OTHER STATES & WORLD. Managed to Petition to have a House Bill… NO. 1776 and seems H.Bill 1776 to date (4-15-2018) is in Ways and Means committee. I’d be happy if you all would E-mail or write to Chair person: Ways and Means and request them to approve Relocating Bell #8 and send to MA State House Representatives’s for VOTE, SOON. THANK YOU, GEORGE W.
P.S. Hope I live long enough to see it happen.
As of Dec. 22, 2018 Massachusetts Liberty Bell replica #8 is Stuck in Ways and Means Committee (Bill 1776) and Bill 1776 has to Reintroduced; Bill had two years (January 2017-December 2018) and going to be given another two years.
Hope some day to see Bell #8 moved ; right now MSH Bell is in same OBSCURE place.
Tom Campbell I am still working to move Massachusetts Liberty Bell #8 to a better viewing place, at the Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon Street, Boston.
Update you and others, for the second time (House Bill 1776 was refiled be cause Committees took to long ; House Bill 1776 had two years- Jan., 2017 to Dec., 2018) House Bill 1776 was refiled . As of February 26, 2019 we have again HOUSE BILL 1776 now have two more years. Hope 2019 is the year we get Bell #8 moved.
Sorry to write that Massachusetts Liberty Bell #8 – 1950, is still in a OBSCURE place. Because of September 11, 2001 the front stairs and the front doors of Massachusetts State House were closed and no longer open to the public; which is way many visitors are not aware of our Bell #8 presence here.
Massachusetts Bell #8 is part of our culture, as are all the 1950 Replica Bells. I don’t know what to say, but HOPE and PRAY that our Bell #8 will not be “LOST IN TIME AND HISTORY”. Boston is a historical wonderland with Locations, Buildings, and Old IronSide (USS Constitution).
Visitors are mesmerized with the amount of real history found in Boston. Write or Email to MA State House Legislators to take Bell #8 out of HIDING for ALL to enjoy.
George, I’m sorry to hear that. Was the feasibility study to move the bell approved? Keep fighting the good fight.
As of October 5, 2019 still working to Relocate Mass. State House Liberty Bell Replica #8, which is still off-limits to public. We have a House Bill 1776, which is in House WAYS and MEANS Committee for the second time again. Governor Baker has appropriated (8-28-18) one Million Dollars for up-grades (Capital- Investment-Plan, B-272) of MSH Project ( Phase one) which is work for relocating Mass. Liberty Bell#8. Still Bell#8 is OFF-LIMITS to public. What a bummer, hope to see it moved In my life time.
Hello – The Massachusetts bell is marked number 30 on the back in what I believe is the customary location above the uppermost belt (above the word “unto”). Could you provide any further information as to why you believe it is number 8? Thank you.
Susan, Thanks for the info. I built my list based on one provided by the Liberty Bell Museum in Allentown, PA. But I’m finding some of those serial numbers were wrong. I’ve updated the list based on your info. The ones I’ve confirmed first or second hand, I’ve added an asterisk to. Would you be able to send me a photo of the serial number? Thanks.
Of course. Please send me your email. Thank you.
Susan, Sorry for the delayed response. Please send photos to [email protected]. Thanks!
Massachusetts State House Liberty Bell Replica Identification Number has been corrected from #8 to #30. When we took a closer look at the back of 1950 Replica Bell we found ID is 30.
Front is where Names: PASS and Stow
Tom, been some time since my last comment in reference to what I am doing these days (reference to relocating 1950 Liberty Bell) but we will get Massachusetts State House Liberty Bell #30 relocated hopefully.
But now I need your HELP and others; the Bell we got is Number 30 and #30 is OKLAHOMA’s Bell and I am hoping that you or some one else would know ” WHO HAS OUR BELL NUMBER 8″ ?
Tom would you please help me me find Massachusetts State House 1950 Liberty Bell Replica # 8?
I have checked our number our Bell and it is #30 (Oklahoma’s Bell) and Oklahoma has #15 (Nevada’s Bell) and Nevada has #5 (Delaware’s Bell) and Delaware has #34. This week I’ve been calling to check on 1950 Liberty Bell’s Numbers and have not found our Massachusetts State House Liberty Bell Replica #8.
Do you think you can help find #8 Bell?
My name is George W. and been working five and half years to see that Massachusetts State House Liberty Bell replica #30 is moved to a better location (24 Beacon St., Boston, MA).
To make along story short, Saturday, Nov.28,2020, Massachusetts State House Liberty Bell #30 was moved to a off-site location for RESTORATION work. Plan is when Bell restoration is completed, Bell’s HOME will be Ashburton Park on MSH grounds. I am hoping and praying that Bell make it to it’s planned HOME . I’ll see it when I see it and I hope I don’t get anyone Mad; I have to stay PATIENCE. Thank you, if you read my message, George W.
That’s incredible! Congratulations. Your hard work seems to be paying off. Do you know if funds have been allocated for restoration? Is there a committee in charge of the efforts?
Hi! I just received a letter from a friend of mine, George Warren, explaining that Massachusetts Liberty Bell Replica #30 is expected to be placed on Ashburton Park on November 1st, 2023. Fingers are crossed for the citizens and visitors to Massachusetts to have access to this replica soon. Thanks, George, as well as the State House officials and members of the public for making this happen. Tom – I guess you can go back to see it and get a picture without the fence around it!