Other Liberty Bell locations
Other Liberty Bell locations

Other Liberty Bell locations

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100+ Liberty Bell replicas

Not long into my quest to visit and tell the stories of the 57 U.S .Treasury Liberty Bell replicas, I started getting tips about other Liberty Bells. To date, I’ve found at least 100 other Liberty Bell replicas across the United States and around the world. These are some of their stories. To make this list, bells must be full-size and cast intentionally as working replicas. Excluded are sculptures, mini-bells, half-size bells, bells made out of any non-bronze materials and bells metaphorically considered the Liberty Bells of their respective regions.

Other Liberty Bell Replicas

If you have photos or other information about any of these Liberty Bells or bells not on this list, please comment and let me know.


  1. Robert Fletcher

    I have photos of a Liberty Bell in Frankfort NY on the park between East Canal street and Pleasant Ave. It was placed for the 1976 Centennial.
    I will forward the digital photos on request.

    1. Tom Campbell

      Thanks for the comment, and I’m glad you found the site. Golly, I jumbled all of those letters, didn’t I? Potacello sounds like Thomas Jerrerson’s potato farm. I’ve fixed it now.

  2. Steve

    The liberty bell replica in Las Vegas is no longer there. I was at the commencement ceremony back in 2006 or 2007 (I don’t remember which year, but I remember it was in October), which was actually pretty nice. The bell was located downtown in Centennial Plaza, but the plaza is now fenced off from the public, and the bell is gone, but the stand is still there. My guess it was taken down when the 2020 riots were going on.

  3. Tina Buch

    Hello. Back in 1975, my grandpa Ted Tate and father Tim Tate made a pattern, mold and cast 2 (an article says 3 but Grandpa passed away and Dad doesn’t recall 3) 1/2 scale replicas.
    Both known bells are in Kokomo, IN.
    They created them in their foundry Tate Model & Engineering for the 1976 celebration.
    In search for the possible 3rd alleged bell said to be in Noblesville, IN (from an article in 1986) I found your website and scoured in hopes of finding said #3.

    Please let me know if you document 1/2 scale and if you know of any in Noblesville, IN

    Thank you,
    Tina (Tate) Buch
    Russiaville, IN.

    1. Tom Campbell

      Thanks for sharing. I don’t officially cover anything but full size, functional replicas. There are around 200 of those and I’ve only told around 40 stories! That being said, I did find an article (which I’ll send you separately) about a different foundry in Noblesville, TRW, casing their own half-size bell. So I think it’s safe to assume the reported got it wrong snd your father’d memory is correct.

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