Fort Collins Mini Liberty Bell
Fort Collins Mini Liberty Bell

Fort Collins Mini Liberty Bell

{reading time: 2 minutes}


Thanks to an inside connection at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, I was able to visit this adorable little mini Liberty Bell replica. It lives in storage just a block from our office. I passed by countless times, never knowing this little guy was in there all by his lonesome (along with lots of other cool pieces of Fort Collins history).

Fort Collins Colorado Mini Liberty Bell Plaque

The plaque reads:

The Liberty Bell — Our Symbol of Freedom
This Liberty Bell, except that it is somewhat smaller, is in every other way an exact replica of the original now in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is presented to the citizens of Fort Collins with the hope that it will contribute to a greater appreciation of this Country’s early struggle for freedom. The inscription on the bell, “Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof”, was truly prophetic for a nation still unborn in 1751. The birth of this great nation was first publicly proclaimed to an assemblage in Philadelphia by the ringing of the original bell on July 4, 1776 to celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. As proud citizens, let us ring this bell on appropriate historic occasions so that all of our inhabitants will be inspired to preserve and protect our precious freedoms!
A Bicentennial Gift from McDonald’s Family Restaurant
Dick and Joie Power, Owners — July 4, 1976

I’m curious how many other mini Liberty Bell replicas are out there in the world.



  1. George Ford

    I have one that looks nearly identical to that one. Somehow our bank ended up with it, but I need to do a little research to find out just how we came to be in possession of it. It is sitting in our basement and I’d like to find it a new home. Any suggestions?

  2. Steve Smith

    Odd question, from one Liberty Bell enthusiast to another: the production credit for Frank Capra’s Liberty Films features what appears to be a full size, crack-free, replica, which must have been filmed in the early 40’s. I can find no information on what bell this was or if it was just a prop. Was just wondering if you had a clue at all?

    Googling this is how I found your blog!

    As a side note, I’m born and raised in Philly (6 blocks from Independence Hall) and had visited the the Allentown Bell Museum because of my fascination with the Revolution but it took my buddy taking a picture of a replica in HI when he went to college out there to find out about the bond bells! So far he’s visited about 20 – he lives in Mass and has been shut out repeatedly trying to get to the Boston bell! I’ve gone to only 6 (2 young kids puts a crimp on road tripping).

    Anyway, I was glad to find your blog – good luck with your hunt!!

    1. Tom Campbell

      Sorry not to get back to you sooner. This is quite a mystery. I did some digging myself and could not find any info. I’ll keep searching and let you know if I find anything. Please do the same. Your buddy should connect with George Warren in Boston (see other comments on this site). He’s trying to get the Mass bell moved to a more accessible location. We lucked out as my wife sweet talked a park ranger into giving us a private tour. I’m a Philly native as well and had no idea the replicas existed until I stumbled on the one in Denver about 18 years ago.

    1. Tom Campbell

      I’ll send you a separate email with some articles attached. I think this particular bell was cast by the IT Verdin Company of Cincinnati, OH. Now called Verdin, they are still in business: You might contact them and see if they can confirm. The article I’ll send has a photo of a bell in Waco that looks similar.

      Paccard and Whitechapel both made mini replicas in anticipation of Bicentennial fever. I’m seeing:

      Whitechapel promoted a limited edition of 2,400 20-pound replicas (doubt they actually produced them all).

      Paccard made some 500-pound replicas.

      Verdin made 100-pound replicas.

      One way to tell if a bell is from Whitechapel or not: As the original caster of the original Liberty Bell, they could not bring themselves to cast the names Pass and Stow (the non-bellmakers who shoddily recast the Liberty Bell we all know and love). Instead, Whitechapel replicas list Thos. Lester Of London.

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