Flying into Baltimore on our way to visit my folks in Delaware, we stopped off in Annapolis Maryland to bag the bell. It’s on the beautiful campus of St. John’s College.
Maryland Liberty Bell replica
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Good morning Tom, yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting this bell. I;m still looking for one with a number. This is my 7th Bell. The tour limits me to 10 and I’ve decided to visit those located outside of buildings. I will be happy to answer any question you may have regarding the tour. You may find some information at, also I’m able to put you in touch with the lady closely associated with the group.
Narianne, Thanks for sharing. I’d love to hear from the organizers. I did check out the site, thanks. a few questions for you: Did you know these replicas existed before the hunt? Are you now interested in finding more bells? Was there a winner of the tour? How many folks participated? What’s the shortest amount of time it took someone to see 10 bells? That’s all for now…
Tom, no I knew nothing except of the replica in Allentown Pa. This tour began on March the first and end October 31st so it’s not over. We can only claim 10 bells for this part of the tour. To date I have 8 bells largely thanks to you and this site. In a few days I’ll head to MN & WI. I don’t think it will end for me there though. Total participants registered I believe is 115 so far. As long as we all reach home at the end of the day safely, we are all Winners…remember this is a motorcycle tour.
Edith, I’m glad you’re getting hooked. You should see all the bells. I’m excited to see how many people are involved. Absolutely, everyone is a winner. We’re all much better off the more of our beautiful country we see.